Since its inception, Christ the Redeemer has always been called to be a house of prayer, and that includes supporting missions that
continue to spread the gospel, the good news of the love of God. Annually, we participate in the ICCEC's offerings for CEC for Life,
the International Development Agency and Foundation Day. In addition, we prayerfully and financially support several other mission
outreaches and sections on each of these are included below.
CEC for Life
The International Communion of the Charismatic Episcopal Church believes that life is precious and the most defenseless victims of violence
in our great nation deserve our attention and protection. CEC For Life seeks to educate and motivate our culture to understand what it means
to believe in the Sanctity of Human Life. This organization participates in the annual Right to Life marches and rally across the country,
as well as assisting with counseling and reconciliation. For more information, go to
Fr. Stephen appointed Phillip Richardson as our congregation's liaison to CEC for Life in the fall of 2009. He serves to keep our congregation up to
date on CEC for Life's activities and current events, and attended the 2010 March for Life in Washington, DC. The march included holding a Liturgy
for the Preborn on the steps of the Supreme Court building and then a march through Washington.
Foundation Day
Foundation Day is an annual offering through the ICCEC, received to further the spread of the gospel through the purchase of land and buildings for
our congregations around the world. Christ the Redeemer participates in this offering each June, and has been the recipient of a Foundation Day
grant in the past. A recent article from our Patriarch, Craig Bates, had the following to say:
"A common need around the Church - North America, Africa, Asia, and South America - is the need for buildings for worship and ministry. The cost
of land, construction, or the purchasing of buildings is often time prohibitive to local congregations. Now with the current economic crisis it
is even difficult for local congregations to secure loans from banks or other institutions. As a result, congregations are left having to pay monthly
rent for inadequate facilities.
Foundation Day was put into place by the Patriarch's Council as a means of securing our future into the next generation. The idea was simple.
On the Sunday closest to June 26th - the date of the consecration of A. Randolph Adler as our first Bishop - every member of the ICCEC - from the youngest
to the oldest - would be asked to give 10 dollars to the Foundation Day Fund. This money would then be given to the Patriarch of the Church
who would donate 1/3, loan 1/3, and invest 1/3...
...God is our provider. As we give generously then we will receive in abundance. It is the law of sowing and reaping."
International Development Agency
Each December, Christ the Redeemer participates in the annual IDA offering, supporting the International Development Agency of the ICCEC.
The International Development Agency (IDA) is the mission and development arm of the Patriarchate and of the ICCEC. The Patriarch holds jurisdiction of
the Church throughout the world. Where local jurisdiction is not established, the IDA serves the Patriarchate in developing and establishing the Church.
The IDA is authorized by the Patriarch to
i. organize Congregations, Parishes, Dioceses, Provinces, National Churches and International Territories;
ii. legally establish and constitute the ICCEC in a nation or group of nations;
iii. coordinate the extra jurisdictional ministries of the many Mission Development Agencies to areas where there is no local jurisdiction.
iv. utilize, deploy, administrate, and coordinate Bishops, Clergy and Missionaries of the ICCEC to effect the emergence of National Churches and International Territories.
For more information on the IDA, check their website at
A.S.K. Network
Christ the Redeemer also recently participated in an effort through the A.S.K. Network to minister the love of God to Africa. Our Martie Hunter has served in multiple
capacities with this organization. A.S.K. Network states as their Vision:
"Gathering all generations to pray for all nations, asking God to do what only He can do, doing whatever He asks of us"
More information about A.S.K. is found at